Monday, June 20, 2011

Flash games, movies, funny pictures

Well, hello there, my first post. I'll warn you though, I like my reviews pretty short and to the point.
I'll review movies, games and stuff I enjoyed (or didn't). Hope you enjoy your stay!

This week I played this really neat flash game:
This is one of those "console-like" games, its plot, & characters attracted me the most, it was very intrigueing, it had something about its gameplay that really fascinated me. The game was a lot of fun and I instantly favourited it which I don't do that often. 4.5/5

I found this nice website while searching the web:
This site's pretty neat, you basically get software that costs money, for free, for a limited time of 24 hours.          Every day, you can get a new software, and you get to keep it! Totally legal, the companies do this to advertise the product, apperantly it works great because the site's only getting more popular :p
It's a nice site, nothing too special, but a nice find. 3.5/5

A game review:
Edeneternal, I wondered, where do they get these names? When I first logged in, the game had a cartoon-ish sort of look.
I started playing, it's basically, "WoW style", you run around gaining levels, equipment and skills, but with a twist;
Turns out, you get to unlock classes, pretty cool huh? What do I mean by that? For example you get to level 5, and you unlock a class: Cleric. You can transform and level up your desired classes and maybe even pick a favourite class to level up the most.
You start out as a warrior or a mage, which are the basic classes, I picked warrior.
The controls are very intuitive and user-friendly, I found it easy to play, with relaxing music, fun-looking graphics and not-bad cartoon effects, I think this is a pretty good game, it even includes its very own concept, which is hard to find these days!
I loved the gameplay, you don't grind too much, and you get a lot of quests, (the auto-find feature makes life easier in EdenEternal)
I think this one's a keeper, I'm gonna keep playing and see how it goes.
Good game, 4.2/5

Well, this concludes this post, and as every post from now on, I'll throw in some pics I found funny:

epic fail photos - Autocomplete Me: When Do Men...
see more funny videos, and check out our Yo Dawg lols!

epic fail photos - CLASSIC: License plate FAIL
see more funny videos, and check out our Yo Dawg lols!

epic fail photos - Curiosity FAIL
see more funny videos, and check out our Yo Dawg lols!

epic fail photos - Oddly Specific: So That's Where We Keep Them
see more funny videos, and check out our Yo Dawg lols!

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